HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - September 15, 2021LODI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CARNEGIE FORUM, 305 WEST PINE STREET WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 The City Council Closed Session meeting of September 15, 2021, was called to order by Mayor Nakanishi at 6:00 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, all Council Members participated in the meeting via teleconference and the public meeting was available for viewing by the public via livestream at https://www.facebook.com/CityofLodi/ and https://zoom.us/s/98343457003?pwd=Vm14anRKUm9PWURFb0JnbThSWDFOdz09; the opportunity for public comment was available through councilcomments@lodi.gov and https://zoom.us/s/98343457003?pwd=Vm14anRKUm9PWURFb0JnbThSWDFOdz09. At 6:00 p.m., Mayor Nakanishi adjourned the meeting to a Closed Session to discuss the above matters. The Closed Session adjourned at 6:56 p.m. At 7:00 p.m., Mayor Nakanishi reconvened the City Council meeting, and City Attorney Magdich disclosed the following actions. In regard to Item C-2a), conference with Adele Post, Human Resources Manager, and Andrew Keys, Deputy City Manager (Labor Negotiators), regarding International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6, direction was provided to staff by Council. There is no further action to report. In regard to Item C-2b), direction on salary/compensation increase for Council Appointee – City Clerk (Government Code 54957), direction was provided to staff by Council. There is no further action to report. The Regular City Council meeting of September 15, 2021, was called to order by Mayor Nakanishi at 7:06 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, all Council Members participated in the meeting via teleconference and the meeting was available for viewing by the public via livestream at https://www.facebook.com/CityofLodi/ and C-1 Call to Order / Roll Call C-2 Announcement of Closed Session a) Conference with Adele Post, Human Resources Manager, and Andrew Keys, Deputy City Manager (Labor Negotiators), Regarding International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 (CM) b) Direction on Salary/Compensation Increase for Council Appointee –City Clerk (Government Code 54957) (CM) C-3 Adjourn to Closed Session C-4 Return to Open Session / Disclosure of Action A.Call to Order / Roll Call 1 https://zoom.us/s/98343457003?pwd=Vm14anRKUm9PWURFb0JnbThSWDFOdz09; the opportunity for public comment was available through councilcomments@lodi.gov and https://zoom.us/s/98343457003?pwd=Vm14anRKUm9PWURFb0JnbThSWDFOdz09. Present: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler, and Mayor Nakanishi Absent: None Also Present: City Manager Schwabauer, City Attorney Magdich, and City Clerk Cusmir Mayor Nakanishi presented a proclamation to Chief of Police Sierra Brucia proclaiming October 2021 as Pink Patch Project Month in the City of Lodi. Mayor Nakanishi presented a proclamation to Information Technology Manager Benjamin Buecher proclaiming October 2021 as Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the City of Lodi. Council Member Kuehne made a motion, second by Council Member Khan, to approve the following items hereinafter set forth, in accordance with the report and recommendation of the City Manager. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler, and Mayor Nakanishi Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Claims were approved in the amount of $11,492,239.11. The minutes of August 24, 2021 (Shirtsleeve Session), August 24, 2021 (Special Meeting), August 31, 2021 (Shirtsleeve Session), and September 1, 2021 (Regular Meeting) were approved as written. B. Presentations B-1 Pink Patch Project Month Proclamation (PD) B-2 Cybersecurity Awareness Month Proclamation (IT) C.Consent Calendar (Reading; Comments by the Public; Council Action) All matters listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and will be acted upon by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If a member of the public would like a consent calendar item pulled and discussed separately, refer to the Special Teleconference Notice at the beginning of this agenda. C-1 Receive Register of Claims for August 13, 2021 through August 26, 2021 in the Total Amount of $11,492,239.11 (FIN) C-2 Approve Minutes (CLK) C-3 Adopt Resolution Accepting Various Memorial Bench and Plaque Donations and Further 2 Adopted Resolution No. 2021-253 accepting various memorial bench and plaque donations and further appropriating funds in the amount of $8,800. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-254 approving the purchase of Cisco wireless access points from CDW-G, of Vernon Hills, Illinois, in the amount of $28,900. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-255 authorizing the City Manager to approve an electronic firing show with Devastating Pyrotechnics, of San Francisco, for Fourth of July fireworks show for 2022, in the amount of $1,000 and ratifying the City Manager's decision to approve an electronic firing show for 2021, in the amount of $1,000. Accepted improvements under contract for Church Street Bike and Pedestrian Improvement Project. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-256 accepting Gateway South Subdivision, Unit No. 1, Tract No. 3941, public improvements, and amending Traffic Resolution No. 97-148 by approving one- way stop control at Cammie Lane and Calla Drive and approving through street on Blossom Drive. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-257 authorizing the City Manager to execute revenue sharing Professional Services Agreement with Valley Outdoor Advertising, of Lodi, for Transit advertising services and authorizing the Public Works Director to execute extensions. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-258 authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Clean Energy, of Newport Beach, for monthly and preventative maintenance and repairs of Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Station, in the amount of $175,000. Appropriating Funds ($8,800) (PRCS) C-4 Adopt Resolution Approving Purchase of Cisco Wireless Access Points from CDW-G, of Vernon Hills, Illinois ($28,900) (IT) C-5 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Approve Electronic Firing Show with Devastating Pyrotechnics, of San Francisco, for Fourth of July Fireworks Shows for 2022 ($1,000) and Ratifying City Manager’s Decision to Approve Electronic Firing Show for 2021 ($1,000) (PRCS) C-6 Accept Improvements Under Contract for Church Street Bike and Pedestrian Improvement Project (PW) C-7 Adopt Resolution Accepting Gateway South Subdivision, Unit No. 1, Tract No. 3941, Public Improvements, Amending Traffic Resolution No. 97-148 by Approving One-Way Stop Control at Cammie Lane and Calla Drive and Approving Through Street on Blossom Drive (PW) C-8 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Execute Revenue Sharing Professional Services Agreement with Valley Outdoor Advertising, of Lodi, for Transit Advertising Services and Authorizing Public Works Director to Execute Extensions (PW) C-9 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Execute Professional Services Agreement with Clean Energy, of Newport Beach, for Monthly and Preventative Maintenance and Repairs of Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Station ($175,000) (PW) 3 Adopted Resolution No. 2021-259 authorizing the City Manager to execute Third Phase Agreement with Northern California Power Agency for Power Purchase Agreement with South Feather Water and Power Agency. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-260 approving the submission of an application for up to $700,000 for Outdoor Equity Grant Program for Outdoor Education, Adventure and Excursion Programs. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-261 authorizing the Police Chief to accept grant and execute contract administered by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and appropriate funds in the amount of $33,493. Authorized the City Manager to execute a letter agreement indicating concurrence with terminating Groundwater Basin Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement. Adopted Resolution No. 2021-262 authorizing reimbursement for Lower Sacramento Road public improvements and appropriating funds in the amount of $151,870. Directed the City Clerk to post for the following vacancy: Library Board of Trustees Pam Williams - Term to expire June 30, 2022 Received a report on a communication regarding tax implications for customers receiving CAPP/CWWAPP benefits. C-10 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Execute Third Phase Agreement with Northern California Power Agency for Power Purchase Agreement with South Feather Water and Power Agency (EU) C-11 Adopt Resolution Approving Submission of Application for Up to $700,000 for Outdoor Equity Grant Program for Outdoor Education, Adventure and Excursion Programs (PRCS) C-12 Adopt Resolution Authorizing Police Chief to Accept Grant and Execute Contract Administered by Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and Appropriate Funds ($33,493) (PD) C-13 Authorize City Manager to Execute Letter Agreement Indicating Concurrence with Terminating Groundwater Basin Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (PW) C-14 Adopt Resolution Authorizing Reimbursement for Lower Sacramento Road Public Improvements and Appropriate Fund ($151,870) (PW) C-15 Post for Vacancy on Library Board of Trustees (CLK) C-16 Receive Report on Communication Regarding Tax Implications for Customers Receiving CAPP/CWWAPP Benefits (CLK) C-17 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Execute Necessary Documents for Participation in California Arrearage Payment Program and California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program to Request Funding for Unpaid Electric, Water, and Wastewater Services Incurred During COVID-19 Pandemic and Ratifying City Manager’s Decision to Suspend City of Lodi Utility Debt Relief Program (FIN) 4 Adopted Resolution No. 2021-263 authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents for participation in California Arrearage Payment Program and California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program to request funding for unpaid electric, water, and wastewater services incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and ratifying the City Manager's decision to suspend City of Lodi Utility Debt Relief Program. Set a public hearing for October 6, 2021 to consider recommendation of the Planning Commission to introduce an ordinance amending Development Standards for hotels on two parcels for Reynolds Ranch PD (39). None. Council Member Kuehne reported that last week was Suicide Prevention Week. Mr. Kuehne stated that he looks forward to a review and changes to the development approval process. Mr. Kuehne noted that CalTrans removed a trestle from over Highway 99 and that was where many homeless people were sleeping and the agency has also been doing camp clean up under various bridges and overpasses. Mr. Kuehne stated that CalTrans is working with the Sheriff's Office, Lodi Police Department, and mental health professionals to try to provide help to the displaced individuals. Council Member Khan reflected on the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. Mr. Khan noted that there are multiple vehicles parked on the street for extended periods of time throughout District 4 and spoke about the challenges related to the vehicles and narrow streets on the east side. Mr. Khan requested additional detail on agenda items prior to items being presented to Council. Council Member Hothi stated that he supports review of the policies related to development. City Manager Schwabauer expressed his appreciation to the Lodi Police and Fire Departments and the City Council for the 9-11 tribute on Saturday. Mr. Schwabauer gave his condolences to the friends and families of the individuals lost as a result of the attacks. Notice thereof having been published according to law, an affidavit of which publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk, Mayor Nakanishi called for the public hearing to consider introducing an ordinance amending Lodi Municipal Code Chapter 13.20, "Electrical Service," by enacting Section 13.20.231, "Schedule LD - Outdoor Dusk-to-Dawn Lighting (LED)." C-18 Set Public Hearing for October 6, 2021 to Consider Recommendation of Planning Commission to Introduce an Ordinance Amending Development Standards for Hotels on Two Parcels for Reynolds Ranch PD (39) (CD) D.Comments by the Public on Non-Agenda Items THE TIME ALLOWED PER NON- AGENDA ITEM FOR COMMENTS MADE BY THE PUBLIC IS LIMITED TO FIVE MINUTES. E.Comments by the City Council Members on Non-Agenda Items F.Comments by the City Manager on Non-Agenda Items G.Public Hearings G-1 Public Hearing to Introduce Ordinance Amending Lodi Municipal Code Chapter 13.20 – "Electrical Service" by Enacting Section 13.20.231, “Schedule LD -Outdoor Dusk-to-Dawn Lighting (LED)” (EU) 5 Melissa Price, Rates & Resources Manager for the City of Lodi and Russ Schneider, Senior Financial Analyst with EES Consulting, provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding Outdoor Dusk-to-Dawn Lighting (LED) Schedule LD. Specific topics of discussion included background, rate setting principles, lighting tariff approach, methodology and proposed rates, rate comparison, LED dusk-to-dawn comparison, summary, and recommendation. Rates & Resources Manager Price provided clarification on the difference between the outdoor dusk-to-dawn lighting and street lighting within the public right-of-way, in response to a question asked by Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler. Ms. Price responded to questions asked by Mayor Nakanishi regarding the cost-savings related to LED lighting and the level of participation by local businesses. Mayor Nakanishi opened the public hearing for public comment. There being no public comments, Mayor Nakanishi closed the public hearing. Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler made a motion, second by Council Member Hothi, to introduce Ordinance No. 1984 amending Lodi Municipal Code Chapter 13.20, "Electrical Service," by enacting Section 13.20.231, "Schedule LD - Outdoor Dusk-to-Dawn Lighting (LED)." VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler, and Mayor Nakanishi Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Notice thereof having been published according to law, an affidavit of which publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk, Mayor Nakanishi called for the public hearing to consider adopting a resolution approving 2020-21 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) and Amendment No. 2 to Citizen Participation Plan (CPP). Patrice Clemons, Community Development Block Grant Specialist, provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the CDBG CAPER and Amendment No. 2 to the CPP. Specific topics of discussion included introduction, community engagement requirements for CAPER and CPP, CPP updates, 2020-21 Program Year, and accomplishments for CDBG-EN and for CDBG-CV. Jennifer Rhyne, City of Lodi Neighborhood Services Manager, reported that the average business grant awarded was $10,000, some businesses received a little less due to funding, however American Rescue Plan Act funds made up the difference for the business that did not receive the full $10,000. Ms. Rhyne spoke about the grading rubric that was used to determine eligibility, in response to questions asked by Mayor Nakanishi. Ms. Rhyne and Ms. Clemmons discussed the documentation and review that was conducted prior G-2 Public Hearing to Consider Adopting Resolution Approving 2020-21 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report and Amendment No. 2 to Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) (CD) 6 to awarding grant funds to businesses and the follow up reporting, in response to questions asked by Council Member Khan. Council Member Kuehne commended staff on the work they have done related to the CDBG funding. Mayor Nakanishi opened the public hearing for public comment. There being no public comments, Mayor Nakanishi closed the public hearing. Council Member Kuehne made a motion, second by Council Member Khan, to adopt Resolution No. 2021-264 approving 2020-21 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report and Resolution No. 2021-265 approving Amendment No. 2 to Citizen Participation Plan (CPP). VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler, and Mayor Nakanishi Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler recused himself, on the advice of the City Attorney, due to a presumed financial conflict of interest. Community Development Director John Della Monica and Neighborhood Services Manager Jennifer Rhyne provided a Powerpoint presentation on the Lodi Access Center. Specific topics of discussion included introduction, Point in Time Count, barriers to service, definition of Access Center, benefits to unsheltered persons, benefits to community, Access Center amenities, making the Access Center a reality, Community Engagement process, community survey results, City assets for consideration, previously-evaluated sites, commercial/industrial properties, map of community resources - Century Boulevard, site plans - Century Boulevard, addition of alternative location and map of community resources - Pixley Basin, site plans - Pixley Base, map of community resources - 710 North Sacramento Street, site plans - Sacramento Street, addressing neighborhood concerns, option of doing nothing, and staff recommendation. Community Development Director Della Monica addressed questions asked by Mayor Nakanishi regarding the security and clean-up plans and services that would be part of the operations of the ACCESS Center once constructed. Mr. Della Monica also spoke about measures that would be taken to address potential camping near the ACCESS Center location. Council Member Khan noted that the City is trying to assist the homeless population and is looking to the public to hold the City accountable for the project. Mr. Della Monica answered questions asked by Council Member Khan regarding the partners that will be responsible for H. Regular Calendar H-1 Receive Presentation on Lodi Access Center Locations for Consideration and Adopt Resolution Approving Location for Development of Lodi Access Center and Accept and Appropriate $2,800,000 from San Joaquin County (CD) 7 operating the center and how the City will deter people coming to the center from other communities outside of Lodi. Council Member Kuehne spoke about the work he has done with other jurisdiction, planning for Access Centers in Lodi as well as other cities in San Joaquin County. Mr. Kuehne spoke about the funds granted to Lodi by the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors and also stated the importance of all of the cities planning and developing Access Centers at the same time. Mr. Kuehne also spoke about participating as a volunteer for the Point In Time Count and the number of people ready to accept help. Council Member Kuehne also said that another issue that will need to be addressed is access to detox facilities. Mr. Kuehne noted that building an Access Center will not be a panacea to the City's homelessness issue, but it is a move in the right direction. Mr. Kuehne spoke about how citizens are already paying to address homelessness issues but the City needs to be more direct in addressing the problems. Mr. Kuehne also discussed the Martin v. Boise decision. Mr. Kuehne said that the Access Center would not be the answer to all of the problems, but it is a start. Mr. Della Monica spoke about the proximity to ancillary services of each of the proposed locations, in response to a questions asked by Council Member Hothi. Mayor Nakanishi opened public comment. Mike Lusk, a resident, provided public comment in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. Robin Knowlton, a resident, presented a PowerPoint and provided public comment in support of the ACCESS Center project and in opposition to the proposed North Sacramento Street site. Stefan Sekula, a resident, continued the presentation of the PowerPoint and provided public comment in opposition of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. Sheila Souza, a resident, provided public comment in support of the ACCESS Center project. Jan Chandler, a resident, provided public comment in opposition to the proposed North Sacramento Street site. Jim Woods, a resident and General Manager and Operations Manager for Lodi Toyota, provided public comment in opposition to the proposed Auto Center Drive (Pixley Basin) site. Anita Herman, a resident, provided public comment in support of the ACCESS Center project and in opposition to the proposed North Sacramento Street site. Cindy Hill, a resident, provided public comment in opposition to the proposed North Sacramento Street site. Vern Vierra, a resident and owner of St. Jorge Winery and Delta Building representing the Climbing Gym, provided public comment in opposition to the proposed North Sacramento Street site. Nancy Beckman, a resident, provided public comment in opposition to the proposed Auto Center Drive (Pixley Basin) site. Pat Patrick, President/CEO of the Lodi Chamber of Commerce, provided public comment in opposition to the proposed Auto Center Drive site and the tiny homes that are part of the 8 ACCESS Center project. Kyle Jasperson, a resident, provided public comment in support of the ACCESS Center project and in opposition to the proposed North Sacramento Street site. Major Mark Thielenhaus, of the Salvation Army, provided public comment stating that the Salvation Army has interest in possibly becoming the ACCESS Center operator regardless of the location. Major Thielenhaus identified successful ACCESS Centers in other jurisdictions and spoke about possible management processes. David Diskin, a resident and Chair of the Lodi Improvement Committee (LIC), provided public comment in support of the ACCESS Center and in opposition of delaying the selection of a location for the project. Mr. Diskin spoke in support of the proposed North Sacramento site. Ms. Decosta (no first name given), a resident, provided public comment in support of the ACCESS Center project and questioned whether or not the City could complete the project in a timely manner and on budget. Catherine Gonzales, of Lodi Adventist Health Memorial, provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Ann Welsh and Maria Jones provided public comment via form letter in support of the formerly proposed Thurman Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the letter into the record on behalf of both individuals. Corina Vasquez provided public comment via email in opposition to the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Sam Reagan provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Nancy Ahlberg-Mellor provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street or the proposed Auto Center Drive site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Natalie Bowman Founder/Director PIC, provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Shane Freitas provided public comment via email in opposition of the proposed Auto Center Drive site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Leah Suelter provided public comment via email in support of the proposed Auto Center Drive site and in opposition of the proposed North Sacramento Street and Century Boulevard sites. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Linda, Joe, and Bryce Hammons provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Barbara Krengel provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Trent Diehl provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center 9 project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Kate Diehl provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Rev'd Deacon Tom Hampson provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Livnia Jackson provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Russ Hayward provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Suzie Endow provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Lisa McBride provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Ellen Tanouye provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Lusandra and Roger Vincent provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Marianne Franco provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Vanessa Guerrero provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Pete Krengel provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Hector Madrigal provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Peter Knight provided public comment via email in opposition of the proposed Auto Center Drive site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Jarred Ditmore provided public comment via email in support of the ACCESS Center project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Jyoti Kumar provided public comment via email in opposition to the proposed Century Boulevard site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Christie Torres provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site and in opposition of the Auto Center Drive site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Cameron Jones provided public comment via email regarding his work on previous real-estate acquisitions for the purpose of building a similar project. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the 10 record. Stephanie Rios provided public comment via email in support of the proposed North Sacramento Street site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Daryl Geweke provided public comment via email in opposition to the proposed Auto Center Drive and Century Boulevard sites. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. Steve Young provided public comment via email in opposition to the proposed Auto Center Drive site. City Clerk Cusmir read the email into the record. City Clerk Cusmir noted that two petitions were received by the City Clerk's Office, 39 signatures in opposition to the proposed North Sacramento Street site and 104 signatures in opposition to the proposed Century Boulevard site. City Manager Schwabauer and Community Development Director Della Monica addressed the questions that were brought forward during public comment. Mayor Nakanishi stated that there is not a location that will satisfy everyone in the city. Dr. Nakanishi noted that the Council is elected by the citizens and does listen to them while making decisions such as these. Council Member Kuehne stated that the Century Boulevard location does not make sense to him and that his goal is select a site that would lead to a successful project. Mr. Kuehne provided a pros and cons list for the proposed sites. Mr. Kuehne said that based on all of the pros and cons, he believes North Sacramento Street is the best location for the ACCESS Center project. Council Member Khan stated that he understands residents do not want the ACCESS Center in their neighborhood but the comments by the public lack recommendations for alternate locations. Mr. Khan spoke about the funding for the project and the importance of cleaning up the city. Mr. Khan stated that he supports the North Sacramento Street site. Council Member Hothi thanked staff and the community for their work on the ACCESS Center project and noted there is no perfect site for the project but the job of the Council is to select the most suitable site. Mr. Hothi state that he supports the North Sacramento Street site. Mayor Nakanishi voiced his opposition to both the North Sacramento site and Auto Center Drive site. Dr. Nakanishi stated he supports reconsidering the Guild Avenue property or another site where the City already owns the property. Council Member Kuehne spoke about the importance of retaining the Guild Avenue property for electric utility upgrades. Council Member Kuehne made a motion, second by Council Member Hothi, to adopt Resolution No. 2021-266 approving Sacramento Street as the location for development of the Lodi Access Center. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, and Council Member Kuehne Noes: Mayor Nakanishi Recusals: Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler Absent: None 11 ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Council Member Hothi made a motion, second by Council Member Kuehne, to adopt Resolution No. 2021-267 accepting and appropriating $2,800,000 from San Joaquin County for the Access Center project. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, and Mayor Nakanishi Noes: None Recusals: Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Council Member Kuehne made a motion, second by Council Member Hothi, to extend the duration of the meeting in order to address agenda item H-2. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler, and Mayor Nakanishi Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). City Manager Steve Schwabauer provided an introduction to this item. Specific topics of discussion included the State legislation passed addressing virtual meetings and options for conducting in-person hybrid meetings allowing the public and staff to participate in person or through Zoom. Council Member Kuehne made a motion, second by Council Member Khan, to conduct meetings of the City Council in person with the hybrid model at Carnegie Forum starting October 6. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler, and Mayor Nakanishi Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). H-2 Direction Regarding City Council Meetings Moving Forward (CLK) H-3 Receive Council Feedback Regarding Investment of Staff Time to Conduct Research on 12 This item was pulled from the agenda and will be included on the October 6 City Council Meeting agenda. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:28 p.m. Viability of Electric Scooters in Downtown Lodi (PW) I.Ordinances –None J.Adjournment ATTEST: Jennifer Cusmir City Clerk 13