HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - May 11, 2021 SSLODI CITY COUNCIL SHIRTSLEEVE SESSION CARNEGIE FORUM, 305 WEST PINE STREET TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2021 An Informal Informational Meeting ("Shirtsleeve" Session) of the Lodi City Council was held Tuesday, May 11, 2021, commencing at 7:00 a.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, all Council Members participated in the meeting via teleconference and the meeting was available for viewing by the public via livestream at https://www.facebook.com/CityofLodi/ and https://zoom.us/j/93455719476?pwd=NDdhc1E4OEZyYWV3d2pDY1U5SjVZZz09; the opportunity for public comment was available through councilcomments@lodi.gov and https://zoom.us/j/93455719476?pwd=NDdhc1E4OEZyYWV3d2pDY1U5SjVZZz09. Present: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, and Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler Absent: Mayor Nakanishi Also Present: City Manager Schwabauer, City Attorney Magdich, and City Clerk Cusmir Deputy City Manager Andrew Keys provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget - Enterprise Funds. Specific topics of discussion included Electric Utility overview, revenue highlights, expenditure highlights, capital projects, equipment and vehicle requests, and reserves; Water Utility overview, revenue highlights, expenditure highlights, capital projects, equipment and vehicle requests, and operating fund reserves; Wastewater Utility overview, revenue highlights, expenditure highlights, capital projects, equipment and vehicle requests, and operating fund reserves; and Transit overview, revenue highlights, expenditure highlights, capital projects, and equipment and vehicle requests. There was no public comment on non-agenda items. No action was taken by the City Council. The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 a.m. A.Roll Call by City Clerk B. Topic(s) B-1 Receive Presentation Regarding Fiscal Year 2021/22 Enterprise Funds (FIN) C. Comments by Public on Non-Agenda Items D.Adjournment ATTEST: Jennifer Cusmir City Clerk 1 Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget Enterprise Funds Presented by Andrew Keys, Deputy City Manager Overview •Enterprise Funds Electric Water Wastewater Transit 2 Electric Utility Overview 3 •Revenues are $1,312,510 higher than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals Customer charges -$1,640,240 higher Work for others -$145,000 lower Low Carbon Fuel Proceeds -$93,000 lower Development Impact Fees -$321,910 higher Greenhouse gas -$288,180 lower Electric Utility Revenue Highlights 4 •Expenses are $3,577,630 higher than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals Salary & benefits -$137,220 lower (due to higher transfer to capital projects) Supplies, materials & services -$2,601,110 higher $1.8m higher Generation and Transmission costs Insurances -$46,970 higher (PL/PD costs) Transfer Out -$262,680 higher Cost of Services $173,520 Network and Desktop Computer Replacement $89,160 Capital projects & equipment -$804,460 higher Electric Utility Expenditure Highlights 5 •12kV Overhead -$2,410,000 •12kV Underground -$165,000 •Streetlight Maintenance -$50,000 •Work for Others -$550,000 •230kV Interconnection –$20,000 •1267 Feeder Extension -$245,000 •Substation Load Tap Charger –$159,000 •LED Streetlight Improvements -$250,000 •Henning Feeder Extension -$765,000 •60kV Breaker Replacement -$2,000,000 •Security Improvements -$50,000 •Warehouse Roof Replacement -$402,500 Electric Utility Capital Projects Additions to the CIP Program for FY 22 6 •Replace Backyard Machine/Trailer -$233,000 •Replace Plotter -$15,000 •New Field Meter Tester -$16,000 •Replace #2 60’ Bucket Truck -$233,000 •Replace #09-023 Bucket Truck -$180,000 •New 95’ Flatbed Crane Truck -$320,000 Electric Utility Equipment and Vehicle Requests Electric Utility Reserves 8 9 Water Utility Overview •Revenues are $218,690 lower than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals Reimbursable charges-$265,310 lower Developer Impact fees -$99,700 higher Customer accounts -$161,910 higher Investment earnings -$178,690 lower Water Utility Revenue Highlights 10 •Expenses are $8,476,890 lower than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals Salary & benefits -$86,180 lower (this is due to mid-yr UAL extra payment) Supplies, materials & services -$381,560 higher Debt service -$146,400 lower Transfer Out -$106,460 higher Cost of Services $61,470 Network and Desktop Computer Replacement $44,990 Capital projects & equipment -$8,736,010 lower Water Utility Expenditure Highlights 11 •Water Meter Multi -Family Program –$1,000,000 •Water Taps/Main Replacements -$125,000 •PCE/TCE Oversight -$100,000 •PCE Remedial Measures -$150,000 •Well 14 Pump Rehab -$170,000 •Well 17 Pump Rehab -$250,000 •Water Project Planning -$25,000 Water Utility Capital Projects Additions to the CIP Program for FY 22 12 •Forklift for loading and unloading deliveries - $40,000 •New Crew Cab Pickup Truck for Water Service Technician duties -$40,000 Water Utility Equipment and Vehicle Requests •Target is 25% of operating expenses •Target for FY 2021/22 equals $2,675,288 •FY 2021/22 estimated available operating reserve is $4,058,446 Water Operating Fund Reserves 14 15 Wastewater Utility Overview •Revenues are $799,170 lower than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals •Development Impact fees -$557,460 lower •Investment earnings -$157,840 lower •Infrastructure Replacement -$50,000 lower •Customer Accounts -$9,730 higher Wastewater Utility Revenue Highlights 16 •Expenses are $3,537,300 lower than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals •Salary & benefits -$79,770 lower (this is due to in increases in transfer of staff costs to other funds/capital) Supplies, materials & services -$246,820 lower Debt Service -$5,290 lower Insurances -$54,430 higher (PL/PD costs) Transfer Out -$46,020 higher Network and Desktop Computer Replacement Capital projects & equipment -$3,316,450 lower Wastewater Utility Expenditure Highlights 17 •Wastewater Main Replacement #9 -$2,000,000 •Electrical/SCADA Improvements -$1,000,000 •Storm Drain Trash Handling -$750,000 •Irrigation System Improvements -$750,000 •White Slough Office Roof -$316,200 •Sewer Lift Station Rehab -$250,000 •Kofu Storm Water Pump Rehab -$200,000 •Dredge Pond 1/EQ Pond 1 -$200,000 •Project Planning and Misc. Projects -$125,000 •Digester #4 Lid Rehab -$100,000 •Laurel Avenue Storm Drain Relocate -$100,000 •Wastewater Taps/Relocations -$75,000 Wastewater Utility Capital Projects Additions to the CIP Program for FY 22 18 •Replacement/maintenance of existing process equipment at Wastewater Plant -$110,000 •New commercial mower for basins -$210,000 •Replacement of vehicle #04-146 pickup -$30,000 Wastewater Utility Equipment and Vehicle Requests •Target is 25% of operating expenses •Target for FY 2021/22 equals $3,238,858 •FY 2021/22 estimated available operating reserve is $10,932,886 Wastewater Operating Fund Reserves 20 Transit Overview 21 •Revenues are $6,119,040 higher than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals Transportation Dev Act -$1,150,000 higher Federal grants -$6,579,520 higher Measure K -$1,400,000 higher Prop 1B -$225,130 lower Federal Stimulus –CARES -$3,442,340 lower CMAQ -$750,000 higher Transit Revenue Highlights 22 •Expenses are $7,992,450 higher than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals Salary & benefits -$20,840 higher Supplies, materials & services -$985,050 higher Insurances -$78,380 higher (PL/PD costs) Transfer Out -$49,540 lower Cost of services $55,870 lower Network and Desktop Computer Replacement -$6,330 Capital projects & equipment -$6,957,720 higher Transit Expenditure Highlights 23 •Intelligent Transit System -$600,000 •Video Surveillance Cameras -$300,000 •Transit Facility Repairs/Upgrades -$300,000 •Transit Station Repairs -$40,000 Transit Capital Additions to the CIP Program for FY 22 24 •Replace (12) 27’ and (6) 32’ busses -$6,900,000 •Equipment for Transit Fleet Maintenance -$50,000 •Replace #04-047 Transit utility vehicle -$45,000 Transit Capital Equipment and Vehicle Requests 26 Questions?