HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - May 25, 2021 SSLODI CITY COUNCIL
TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021
An Informal Informational Meeting ("Shirtsleeve" Session) of the Lodi City Council was held
Tuesday, May 25, 2021, commencing at 7:00 a.m.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, all Council Members
participated in the meeting via teleconference and the meeting was available for viewing by the
public via livestream at https://www.facebook.com/CityofLodi/ and
https://zoom.us/j/93455719476?pwd=NDdhc1E4OEZyYWV3d2pDY1U5SjVZZz09; the
opportunity for public comment was available through councilcomments@lodi.gov and
Present: Council Member Hothi, Council Member Khan, Council Member Kuehne, Mayor Pro
Tempore Chandler, and Mayor Nakanishi
Absent: None
Also Present: City Manager Schwabauer, City Attorney Magdich, and City Clerk Cusmir
Deputy City Manager Andrew Keys provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding 2021/22
Budget - Special Revenue Funds. Specific topics of discussion included Streets overview,
revenue highlights, expenditure highlights, Capital projects, and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
five-year forecast; Community Development overview, revenue highlights, expenditure highlights,
and key inputs; Library overview, revenue highlights, expenditure highlights, and additional
requests; Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services revenue highlights, expenditure highlights, CIP
allocation process, CIP five-year forecast, Zupo Field project, and other key projects; General
Fund Capital outlay CIP five-year forecast; Parks unfunded projects; additional Council CIP
requests; and PRCS CIP details for unfunded projects.
City Manager Schwabauer and Deputy City Manager Keys responded to questions asked by
Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler and Council Member Khan regarding Community Development
City Manager Schwabauer stated that the Council will be presented with a proposal to move
Code Enforcement from the Police Department to the Community Development Department. The
Council will view the proposal at a meeting in the near future.
Mayor Nakanishi asked about development impact fees, how they fund the Community
Development Department and if there were plans for an increase. Deputy City Manager Keys
responded that the impact fees do not pay for staffing in the department. The development impact
fees cover the cost of City facilities that are impacted by development. Mr. Keys said planning
and permit fees fund staff in the department.
Deputy City Manager Keys answered a question asked by Council Member Kuehne regarding the
transfer of the Code Enforcement positions from the Police Department.
A.Roll Call by City Clerk
B. Topic(s)
B-1 Receive Presentation Regarding Fiscal Year 2021/22 Special Revenue Funds (FIN)
There was extensive discussion about a mobile library program. Deputy City Manager Keys gave
a broad overview of the Library operation funding and the roles of the Library Board of Trustees
and the Lodi Public Library Foundation. City Manager Schwabauer noted that the funding for
such a program is not available today and if the City moved forward, the Council would need to
determine what other programs would need to be cut.
Mayor Nakanishi requested staff review the mobile library concept with the Library Board of
Trustees to determine whether or not it is feasible to include such a program in the Library's five-
year plan.
Council Member Khan spoke in favor of the mobile library program, noting the mobile library
could be used throughout the City and spoke about the youth on the Eastside needing access to
library services.
Council Member Hothi spoke in favor of the mobile library program and spoke about the types of
event the library could attend. Council Member Hothi supported the Library Board of Trustees
reviewing the proposal further and mentioned the possibility of securing grants.
Council Member Kuehne asked about charging a fee for the 4th of July event. City Manager
Schwabauer answered that there are no plans to charge in 2021, but the Council could
reexamine the issue.
Council Member Hothi stated that is he in favor of there being no charge for the 4th of July event
in this current year due to the effect of the pandemic. Council Member Khan agreed.
Mayor Pro Tempore Chandler stated that he would be in support of charging for the fireworks
show in future years and not the current year based on the wear on the facility.
City Manager Schwabauer recommended not charging for the event in this current year due to
the challenges staff is already facing.
Council Member Kuehne suggested allowing Lodi residents to enter the event for free and charge
for out-of-town attendees. City Manager Schwabauer said that he would ask staff to review the
feasibility of asking for proof of residency. Deputy City Manager Keys highlighted the challenge
arranging for a staffed entrance would pose this year and suggested the plan be considered next
year. Staff will review the feasibility of charging for out-of-town guests in 2021, and if that is not
logistically possible, to charge all attendees in 2022 and future 4th of July fireworks events.
City Manager Schwabauer and Deputy City Manager Keys discussed staff findings and potential
costs while investigating a cricket pitch project request by Council Member Khan.
Council Member Kuehne spoke about the need for accessible play equipment at parks in Lodi
and that type of investment needs to be considered in a future project funding discussion.
Mayor Nakanishi spoke about funding challenges surrounding adding new projects to the parks
capital projects list.
Interim Deputy Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Service Director Johnson answered questions
asked by Council Member Kuehne regarding facility rentals.
C.Comments by Public on Non-Agenda Items
No action was taken by the City Council. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 a.m.
Jennifer Cusmir
City Clerk
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Budget
Special Revenue Funds
Presented by Andrew Keys, Deputy City Manager
•Special Revenue Funds
Community Development
Parks, Recreation and Cultural
Streets Overview
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Streets Fund Actual Actuals Budget
Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance 9,541,948 12,742,160 11,815,060
Revenues 9,753,406 10,867,500 7,635,050
Expenditures 6,553,194 11,794,600 6,228,250
Net Difference (Revenues Less Expenditures)3,200,212 (927,100) 1,406,800
Restricted Fund Balance 241,851 284,631 284,631
Ending Fund Balance Unreserved 12,500,309 11,530,429 12,937,229
Fund Balance as a percentage of revenue:128%106%169%
Estimate Changes in Fund Balance
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2022
With Actuals for FY2019-20 and Year End Estimates for FY2020-21
•Revenues are $3,232,450 lower than FY 2020/21
estimated actuals
Federal Grants -$1,645,600 lower (Lodi/Mills project)
Measure K -$1,396,780 lower (Church Street project)
Development Impact Fees -$400,610 lower
Gas Taxes –$274,460 higher
State Grants -$258,000 higher
TDA General Allotment -$200,000 lower
Investment earnings -$117,070 lower
Revenue Highlights
•Expenses are $5,566,350 lower than FY 2020/21
estimated actuals
Salary & benefits -$36,340 lower (mid-yr 1 time UAL
payment; higher transfers to capital and other funds)
Supplies & Services -$98,320 lower
Insurances -$18,520 higher (PL/PD costs)
Transfer Out -$28,630 higher
Network and Desktop Computer Replacement $20,710
Capital projects & equipment -$5,478,840 lower
Expenditure Highlights
•Turner/California Signal -$380,000
•Concrete Paver Maintenance -$30,000
•Garfield Street Safe School Route -$800,000
•Pavement Resurfacing -$1,220,000
•Annual Pavement Maintenance –$100,000
•Sidewalk Repair –$70,000
•Signal Preventative Maintenance -$150,000
•Pavement Crack Seal -$50,000
•Downtown Concrete Cleaning -$25,000
•Streets Project Planning -$25,000
•Reverse Frontage Wall Repair -$25,000
Streets Capital Projects
Additions to the CIP Program for FY 22
Streets Fund
CIP –5 Year Forecast
300 - 315 Funds - Streets
FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26
Beginning Fund Balance 12,742,160 11,815,060 13,221,860 12,855,948 13,673,989 9,082,183
Revenues 10,867,500 7,635,050 5,410,000 5,340,000 5,245,000 5,190,000
Expenditures/Committed Projects 11,794,600 6,228,250 5,775,913 4,521,958 9,836,806 4,520,896
Net Difference (927,100)1,406,800 (365,913)818,042 (4,591,806)669,104
Ending Est Fund Balance 11,815,060 13,221,860 12,855,948 13,673,989 9,082,183 9,751,287
CIP Projects FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26
Annual Pavement Maint 135,821 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Annual Street Striping 80,000 80,000 80,000
Church St Diet 1,551,978
Concrete Paver Maint 60,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Downtown Concrete Cleaning 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Fog Seal 40,000
Garfield St Safe School Route 800,000
Grapestake Fence Rep 50,000
Guild/Victor traffic signal 762,680
Ham/Elm Signal Mod 40,000 250,000
Harney Ln Widening Project 100,000 5,400,000
Lodi Ave Signal Coordination 160,000
Lodi Ave/Mills Resurfacing 1,870,000
Lower Sac Median Rep 100,000
Lower Sac Street Improvmnt 1,500,000
Pavement Crack Seal 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Pavement Resurfacing 1,354,706 1,220,000
Reverse Frontage Wall rep 52,588 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Sidewalk Grinding 100,000
Sidewalk Repair 79,139 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000
Signal Preventative Maint 270,975 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Streets Project Planning 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Turner/Ca Signal 100,000 380,000
Citywide Bike Detection *768,591
Citywide Bike Lanes & Pedestrian Improv *78,321
Citywide Pavement Repairs *390,451
Lockeford Street (UPPR to Stockton) *248,682
Westgate Drive Improvements *19,907
Streets Operating Est 3,580,762 3,353,250 3,520,913 3,696,958 3,881,806 4,075,896
11,794,600 6,228,250 5,775,913 4,521,958 9,836,806 4,520,896
* Projects closing at end of FY 21
Community Development
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Community Development Actual Actuals Budget
Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance 3,809,853 4,695,746 4,756,326
Revenues 3,370,395 2,922,260 3,024,810
Expenditures 2,484,502 2,861,680 2,947,940
Net Difference (Revenues Less Expenditures)885,893 60,580 76,870
Restricted Fund Balance 255,160 300,294 300,294
Ending Fund Balance Unreserved 4,440,587 4,456,032 4,532,902
Fund Balance as a percentage of revenue:132%152%150%
Estimate Changes in Fund Balance
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2022
With Actuals for FY2019-20 and Year End Estimates for FY2020-21
•Revenues are $102,550 higher than FY 2020/21
estimated actuals
Charges for Services -$72,700 higher
Plan Check Fees -$49,100 higher
Federal Grants -$60,820 lower
Brownfields grant –remaining balance at yr 2 of 3 yr grant
Operating Transfer In -$60,570 higher
Reinstated entire $165,000 transfer from General Fund
Licenses and Permits -$62,300 higher
Building Permits $56,000
Investment Earnings -$32,200 lower
Community Development
Revenue Highlights
•Expenses are $86,260 higher than FY 2020/21
estimated actuals
Salary & benefits -$244,810 higher
Youth Outreach Worker fully funded in FY 22
Administrative Clerk added at mid-year
FY 22 staff changes listed on next slide
Supplies, materials & services -$177,940 lower
Miscellaneous Professional Services -$143,740 lower
Transfer Out -$23,440 higher
Network and Desktop Computer Replacement $23,900
Community Development
Expenditure Highlights
•Changes to full-time positions
Community Development
Key Inputs
Job Title Department +/-
CDD Program Specialist Community Development +1
Sr. Permit Technician Community Development +1
Administrative Assistant Community Development -1
Permit Technicial Community Development -1
Net Increase/Decrease 0
Library Overview
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Library Fund Actual Actuals *Budget
Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance 465,199 693,141 612,771
Revenues 1,568,176 1,507,090 1,660,630
Expenditures 1,340,234 1,587,460 1,666,850
Net Difference (Revenues Less Expenditures)227,942 (80,370) (6,220)
Restricted Fund Balance 143,880 169,331 169,331
Ending Fund Balance Unreserved 549,261 443,440 437,220
Fund Balance as a percentage of revenue:35%29%26%
* FY 21 estimates pending $29,678 of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding
Estimate Changes in Fund Balance
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2022
With Actuals for FY2019-20 and Year End Estimates for FY2020-21
•Revenues are $153,540 higher than FY 2020/21 estimated actuals
Operating Transfer In -$197,020 higher
Library Fines & Fees -$20,000 higher
Fees were down last year due to COVID closures
Literacy Grant -$54,180 lower
Additional grant funds were received in FY21
Investment earnings -$3,500 lower
Donations -$5,800 lower
Operating Transfer In -$197,020 higher
FY 21 transfer level restored with an increase for operational costs
Revenue Highlights
•Expenses are $79,390 higher than FY 2020/21
estimated actuals
Salaries & Benefits-$139,860 higher
Part -time Salary -$97,540 higher
Supplies and Services -$49,100 higher
Insurances -$6,450 higher (PL/PD costs)
Transfers Out -$91,020 lower
$6,880 for computer replacement
FY21 included $100,000 transfer from Library Capital to Library
Expenditure Highlights
Mobile Library:
•Onetime costs -$310,000
•Evaluation and Needs assessment -$20,000
•Initial startup materials -$40,000
•Design and Construction -$250,000
•Ongoing operations costs -$190,000
•One Driver and one Co-Pilot (PT total of 40 Hours/week) -
•Ongoing operations (collection, maintenance, admin) -$85,000
•Annual Vehicle Replacement -$25,000
Additional Requests
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Fund Actual Actuals *Budget
Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance 1,097,749 1,217,499 1,114,999
Revenues 6,937,601 6,239,250 7,435,130
Expenditures 6,817,852 6,341,750 9,480,710
Net Difference (Revenues Less Expenditures)119,750 (102,500) (2,045,580)
Restricted Fund Balance 443,383 521,812 521,812
Ending Fund Balance Unreserved 774,115 593,187 (1,452,393)
Fund Balance as a percentage of revenue:11%10%-20%
* FY 21 estimates pending $2,242,066 of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding
Estimate Changes in Fund Balance
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2022
With Actuals for FY2019-20 and Year End Estimates for FY2020-21
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Revenue Highlights
•Revenues are $1,195,880 higher than FY 2020/21
estimated actuals
Charges for Services -$875,390 higher
Program Fees were down in FY 21 due to COVID closures
Parks and HSS Rental Income -$231,300 higher
Rental Income was down last year due to COVID
Other Revenue-$97,500 lower
FY21 included $100,000 from a trust/donation account
Operating Transfer In -$186,690 higher
FY 21 transfer level restored with an increase for operational
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Revenue Highlights
•Expenses are $3,138,960 higher than FY 2020/21
estimated actuals
Salaries & Benefits-$1,046,170 higher
Part -time Salary -$828,000 higher
Eliminating 1 Admin Clerk and adding 1 Sr Admin Clerk
Supplies and Services -$298,630 higher (Post -COVID
increased activities)
Insurances -$22,090 higher (PL/PD costs)
Transfers Out -$1,769,570 higher
$1,500,000 for capital projects
$15,630 for computer replacement
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Expenditure Highlights
•Recent PRCS Capital improvements have been funded by grants or out of operating savings
This is an unsustainable model to keeping parks facilities in a safe, working and useable condition
•Historic American Rescue Plan Act funding allowed $1.6m m to be transferred from PRCS operating reserves to capital and $400,000 to be transferred from the General Fund
Given a positive overall financial outlook in the General Fund, staff is recommending developing a minimum $400,000 annual PRCS capital program; large scale projects with longer term benefit were given priority in the current year due to this historic infusion; Allocations for FY 2022 PRCS Capital projects were based on a combination of safety needs and revenue generation; Items that were a safety concern for revenue generating facilities were given priority; Keeps money coming into the department to continue both the operating capital programs long term
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
CIP Allocation Process
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
CIP –5 Year Forecast
432 Fund - Parks Capital Five Year Forecast
FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26
Beginning Fund Balance 612,720 395,259 308,259 (2,230,491)(4,619,241)(5,189,241)
Revenues 12,880 2,080,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000
Expenditures 230,341 2,167,000 2,938,750 2,788,750 970,000 1,020,000
Net Difference (217,461)(87,000)(2,538,750)(2,388,750)(570,000)(620,000)
Ending Fund Balance 395,259 308,259 (2,230,491)(4,619,241)(5,189,241)(5,809,241)
CIP Projects FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26
Beckman/Vinewood Dog Pks 100,000
Blakely Park Sports Field 30,000
Fibar Cover Replace 20,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Grape Bowl Bleachers 90,000
Grape Bowl Turf Replace 880,000
HSS - Create Hall Flooring 50,000
HSS Pool Climate Control 373,750
HSS Roof Phase 1 420,000
HSS Wireless Access Points 27,326
Legion Park Comm Room 140,000
Legion Playground Equip 300,000
Lodi Lake Nature Area 10,000
Lodi Lake Southside Improv 1,500,000
Park Facility Demolitions 488,750
Park Tree Trimming 180,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000
Salas Barrier Gates 13,015 2,000
Salas Pk Sports Lighting 780,000
Softball Com Parking Lot 370,000
Zupo Field Improvements 405,000 105,000 1,230,000 680,000 730,000
230,341 2,167,000 2,938,750 2,788,750 970,000 1,020,000
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Zupo Field Project -$420k Parks/$1m General Liability
•Grape Bowl Turf Replacement -$880,000
FY 2021/22 is the last year the turf is playable if not
replaced due to visible wear/tear which are safety issues;
without replacement it will not be attractive rental asset
•Legion Park Community Room -$140,000
Central location and indoor space make this a prime rental
opportunity for community; current condition significantly
reduces rental potential; no repairs or renovations in over
30 years; needs sewer, electrical, restroom fixtures,
cabinets, windows, doors and flooring to become an
attractive rental asset
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Other Key Projects
•Hutchins Street Square Roof -$420,000 Parks/
$100,000 General Fund
25 year old original roof is in need of replacement; a
longer term 30 year roof will be installed; HSS is the prime
revenue generating facility and PRCS operations would not
be sustainable absent its rental income
•Tree Trimming -$180,000
The age and size of the City’s park trees present
substantial liability if not properly maintained
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Other Key Projects
General Fund Capital Outlay
CIP –5 Year Forecast
431 Fund - General Fund Capital Five Year Forecast
FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26
Beginning Fund Balance 2,187,281 1,850,966 552,526 (2,479,474)(8,144,474)(11,959,474)
Revenues 657,806 635,000 435,000 435,000 435,000 435,000
Expenditures/Committed Projects 994,121 1,933,440 3,467,000 6,100,000 4,250,000 -
Net Difference (336,315)(1,298,440)(3,032,000)(5,665,000)(3,815,000)435,000
Ending Est Fund Balance 1,850,966 552,526 (2,479,474)(8,144,474)(11,959,474)(11,524,474)
General Fund Capital Outlay
CIP –5 Year Forecast
CIP Projects FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26
Animal Shelter Kennels 50,000
Animal Shelter Roof Repair (temporary)50,000
New Animal Shelter 300,000 1,100,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Fire Station #2 Cameras 10,000
HSS Energy Mgmt 180,000
HSS Roof Phase 1 100,000
Card Access System 60,000 120,000
Church St Parking Lot Imp (rebuild)400,000
City Hall Air Duct Cleaning 20,000 20,000
City Hall Service Counter 300,000
Fire Station #3 Driveway Imp 30,000
Fire Station #3 Generator 20,000 160,000
Firefighter Memorial 31,000
Firehouse Security Gates 75,000
City Hall Sewer Pump Upgrade 100,000
City Hall Annex Boiler Replacement 160,000
City Hall HVAC Duct Cleaning 32,000
Carnegie Forum Water Heater Replacement 5,000
Facilties Office Remodel 10,000
PD HVAC Replacement 250,000 250,000
PD Training Facility (WSWPCF) Design 337,440 1,925,000 2,100,000
Annex Gun Range Improvements 300,000
Miscellenous projects 25,000
Police Station Intercom Replacement *10,078
Gun Range *18,815
Carnegie Forum Interior Improvements *10,000
IAT Room HVAC Imp *57,750
Civic Center Security Camera *76,878
Magellan-Broadbank Feasibility Study *50,600
994,121 1,933,440 3,467,000 6,100,000 4,250,000 -
Project Description Urgent Totals
Paygrounds - 16 playgrounds 710,792 2,116,812 1,348,949 4,176,553
Site improvements throughout park system 1,009,636 3,056,926 4,082,127 8,148,689
Ashphalt - maintenance and replacement 1,416,396 939,076 129,707 2,485,179
System-wide Repairs and Maintenance 539,580 498,073 1,789,951 2,827,605
Demolition of Structures/Amenities 233,472 - - 233,472
Roofing Projects - 233,472 - 233,472
ADA Transition Plan 530,241 959,829 1,957,014 3,447,083
Planning & Misc 259,413 - 498,073 757,486
Total 4,699,531 7,804,189 9,805,821 22,309,540
PRCS CIP Master List of Unfunded Projects
Parks Unfunded Projects
Parks System-wide Needs
•Lodi Lake Southside Parking Lot Resurfacing
This project is part of the Lodi Lake Southside Improvementproject listed in FY 23. Only partially funded
•Basketball Court at Blakely Park
This project is part of the Blakely Park Sports Field project that is being funded through a State of California grant. Project is currently in plan check stage with Public Works
•Lighting for existing Cricket Court at Beckman Park
(4) Pole lighting configuration -$590,000
•Water station at Beckman & Vinewood Dog Parks
Vinewood currently has a drinking fountain; $10,000 to install water station at Beckman
Additional Council CIP Requests
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
CIP Details -Unfunded Projects
Project Description Urgent Totals
1 English Oaks Common Site Work & Playground Replacement 285,355 285,355
2 Katzakian Playground Replacement 207,531 207,531
3 Beckman Park Site Work & Playground Replacement 207,531 207,531
4 Replacement Parts/Worn Apparatus/Unforeseen Safety Issues 10,377 41,506 51,883 103,765
5 Century Meadows Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
6 Century Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
7 Lawrence Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
8 Hale Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
9 Van Buskirk Playground Replacement 207,531 207,531
10 Salas Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
11 Rose Gate Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
12 Hutchins Street Square West Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
13 Emerson Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
14 Lodi Lake Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
15 Blakely Park Playground Replacement 259,413 259,413
16 Peterson Playground (West) Replacement 259,413 259,413
17 Peterson Playground (East) Replacement 311,296 311,296
Total Playground Needs:710,792 2,116,812 1,348,949 4,176,553
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
CIP Details -Unfunded Projects
Project Description Urgent Totals *
1 Video Surveillance - various parks and properties 518,827 259,413 259,413 1,037,653
2 Restroom Upgrades/Partitions & Fixtures 103,765 103,765
3 Park furniture/Shelter repairs and Replacements 259,413 124,518 155,648 539,580
4 Salas Park Restroom Upgrades 20,753 20,753
5 Beach Gazebo Renovations/Tables 20,753 20,753
6 Beach House + Beach Operational Upgrades 17,640 17,640
7 Replace/Repair/Install Drinking Fountains 10,377 41,506 51,883 103,765
8 Park Rules and Way Signage; Blakely & Enze Pool Monument Signs 41,506 41,506
9 Blakely Pool Operations/Program Equipment 10,377 10,377
10 (3) Park Rental Buildings Tables & Chairs 6,226 6,226
11 Lodi Lake Park Master Plan w/ Westside 7 Acre Expansion 518,827 1,556,480 2,075,306
12 Emerson Park Restroom Replacement 311,296 311,296
13 Lodi Lake Office 25,941 25,941
14 Blakely Park Aquatic Restroom Renovation 83,012 415,061 498,073
15 Misc Park Restoom Repairs and Maintenance 25,941 25,941
16 Enze Pool/Pulsar Chlorine System 15,565 15,565
17 Kofu Park Community Building 7,264 7,264
18 Lodi Lake Tot Pool/New Controller 7,264 7,264
19 Hale Park Community Building 2,075 2,075
Site Improvements - Continued
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
CIP Details -Unfunded Projects
Project Description Urgent Totals
20 Lodi Lake Riverfront Trail 700,416 700,416
21 Lodi Lake South Restroom Replacement 415,061 415,061
22 Vinewood Park Restroom Replacement w/ ADA Access 518,827 518,827
23 South Pool at Blakely Park - Renovation 259,413 259,413
24 Legion Park Improvements 186,778 186,778
25 Hale Park Improvement 166,024 166,024
26 Kofu Park Improvements 171,213 171,213
27 Zupo Field Lighting Replacement 155,648 155,648
28 Chapman Field Repairs 166,024 166,024
29 Park Maintenance Shop Improvements 77,824 77,824
30 HSS Pool Liner Replacement 77,824 77,824
31 Tennis Courts Lighting Conversion to LED (Energy Efficient)103,765 103,765
32 Lodi Lake Irrigation Booster Pumps (2)72,636 72,636
33 Irrigation Booster Pump Motor Replacement (4 Parks)103,765 103,765
34 Peterson Park Tennis Court 31,130 31,130
35 HSS: External Digital Marquee Sign 25,941 25,941
36 Theatre: Stage Lighting 24,385 24,385
37 Beach Sand Cleaning Machine 12,452 12,452
38 Lodi Lake Office/Shop Buildings (Roof Gutter Replacement)8,820 8,820
Total Site Improvements 1,009,636 3,056,926 4,082,127 8,148,689
Site Improvements - Continued
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
CIP Details -Unfunded Projects
Project Description Urgent Totals
1 Salas Parking Lot - Replacement 1,245,184 1,245,184
2 Katzakian Parking Lot - Overlay 145,271 145,271
3 Misc. Parking Lot Maintenance (unforeseen/emergency)25,941 103,765 129,707 259,413
4 Lodi Lake North Side - Slurry Seal 155,648 155,648
5 Lodi Lake Beach Beach Area & Trail - Slurry Seal 103,765 103,765
6 Nature Area Trail - Overlay 259,413 259,413
7 Park Maintenance Corp Yard, Parking & Alley - Overlay 233,472 233,472
8 Hale Parking Lot - Overlay 83,012 83,012
Total Ashphalt Maintenance/Replacement 1,416,396 939,076 129,707 2,485,179
1 Irrigation System Uprgrades and Repairs - Vinewood & Beckman 415,061 415,061
2 Concrete Sidewalk Safety Hazards 41,506 166,024 207,531 415,061
3 Irrigation System Upgrades and Repairs - as needed various parks 31,130 124,518 155,648 311,296
4 Unforeseen Satety Hazards 25,941 103,765 1,297,066 1,426,773
5 Turf Maintenance/Repurpose 20,753 83,012 103,765 207,531
6 Skate Park Repairs 5,188 20,753 25,941 51,883
Total System-wide Repairs and Maintenance 539,580 498,073 1,789,951 2,827,605
Ashphalt Maintenance/Replacement
Annual System-wide Repairs and Maintenance
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
CIP Details -Unfunded Projects
Project Description Urgent Totals
1 South Pool at Blakely Park 233,472 233,472
Total Demolition of Structures/Amenities 233,472 - - 233,472
1 Lodi Lake North Restooms 88,201 88,201
2 Blakely Pool Building Roof Repair 77,824 77,824
3 Zupo Field Restroom 67,447 67,447
Total Roofing Projects - 233,472 - 233,472
1 Barrier Removal City Parks (1-3 years) 530,241 530,241
2 Barrier Removal City Parks (4-6 years) 959,829 959,829
3 Barrier Removal City Parks (7-9 years) 76,786 76,786
4 Barrier Removal City Parks (10-12 years) 77,824 77,824
5 Hutchins Street Square (7-9 years)378,743 378,743
6 Barrier Removal Privately Operated Facilities Owned by the City 126,594 126,594
7 Grape Bowl - North Side Entrance to Bleachers 1,297,066 1,297,066
Total ADA Transition Plan 530,241 959,829 1,957,014 3,447,083
Demolition of Structures/Amenities
Roofing Projects
ADA Transition Plan
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
CIP Details -Unfunded Projects
Project Description Urgent Totals *
1 125 N. Stockton Building Remodel for Park Division Office 415,061 415,061
2 UPDATE Park System Master Plan (25 years outdated) *207,531 207,531
3 UPDATE Strategic Operating Plan (expired in 2019) *51,883 51,883
4 Architechtural Plans and Specs "Old Rec Office"83,012 83,012
Total Planning & Misc 259,413 - 498,073 757,487
Grand Total of Unfunded Projects 4,699,531 7,570,717 9,805,821 22,309,540
* Project costs weren't included in Totals column in draft budget document; corrected here
Planning & Misc