HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - September 16, 2020LODI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CARNEGIE FORUM, 305 WEST PINE STREET WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 The City Council Closed Session meeting of September 16, 2020, was called to order by Mayor Kuehne at 6:30 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, all Council Members participated in the meeting via teleconference. Present: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Absent: None Also Present: City Manager Schwabauer, City Attorney Magdich, and City Clerk Cusmir The Closed Session adjourned at 6:47 p.m. At 7:02, Mayor Kuehne called the Regular City Council meeting, and City Attorney Magdich disclosed the following action. Item C-2a) was regarding the prospective sale of real property located at 17 East Elm Street (APN 043-08-204) and 114 Main Street (APN 043-08-411) and adjacent public alleyway, Lodi, CA; the negotiating parties are Stephen Schwabauer for the City of Lodi and Dr. Omid Pourzanjiani for San Joaquin Delta College; price and terms of sale are under negotiation. Government Code §54956.8. No action was taken. The Regular City Council meeting of September 16, 2020, was called to order by Mayor Kuehne at 7:02 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, all Council Members participated in the meeting via teleconference and the meeting was available for viewing by the public via livestream at https://www.facebook.com/CityofLodi/ and https://zoom.us/j/97854687709?pwd=bEE3cy90K09WSzNMQWlsZFFNSlN6Zz09; the opportunity for public comment was available through councilcomments@lodi.gov and https://zoom.us/j/97854687709?pwd=bEE3cy90K09WSzNMQWlsZFFNSlN6Zz09. C-1 Call to Order / Roll Call C-2 Announcement of Closed Session a) Prospective Sale of Real Property Located at 17 East Elm Street (APN 043-08-204) and 114 Main Street (APN 043-08-411) and Adjacent Public Alleyway, Lodi, CA; the Negotiating Parties are Stephen Schwabauer for the City of Lodi and Dr. Omid Pourzanjiani for San Joaquin Delta College; Price and Terms of Sale are Under Negotiation. Government Code §54956.8 C-3 Adjourn to Closed Session C-4 Return to Open Session / Disclosure of Action A. Call to Order / Roll Call 1 Present: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Absent: None Also Present: City Manager Schwabauer, City Attorney Magdich, and City Clerk Cusmir Mayor Kuehne presented a proclamation to Police Chief Sierra Brucia proclaiming Tuesday, October 6, 2020, as National Night Out in Lodi. Mayor Kuehne presented a proclamation to Fire Marshal Brad Doell proclaiming October 4 through October 10, 2020, as Fire Prevention Week in Lodi. Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, to approve the following items hereinafter set forth, except those otherwise noted, in accordance with the report and recommendation of the City Manager. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Claims were approved in the amount of $2,803,751.81. The minutes of August 25, 2020 (Shirtsleeve Session), September 1, 2020 (Shirtsleeve Session), September 2, 2020 (Regular Meeting), and September 8, 2020 (Shirtsleeve Session) were approved as written. Adopted Resolution No. 2020-198 ratifying the transfer of pending legal matters from Kronick, B.Presentations B-1 National Night Out Proclamation (PD) B-2 Fire Prevention Week Proclamation (FD) C.Consent Calendar (Reading; Comments by the Public; Council Action) All matters listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and will be acted upon by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If a member of the public would like a consent calendar item pulled and discussed separately, refer to the Special Teleconference Notice at the beginning of this agenda. C-1 Receive Register of Claims for August 14, 2020 through August 27, 2020 in the Amount of $2,803,751.81 (FIN) C-2 Approve Minutes (CLK) C-3 Adopt Resolution Ratifying the Transfer of Pending Legal Matters from Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann and Girard to Loranzo Smith and Authorize City Attorney to Execute Agreement for Legal Services with Loranzo Smith (CA) 2 Moskovitz, Tiedemann and Girard to Loranzo Smith and authorizing the City Attorney to execute agreement for legal services with Loranzo Smith. Adopted Resolution No. 2020-199 reaffirming the ratification of the City Manager's proclamation finding the continued existence of a local emergency and rendering certain emergency orders, including an increase related to the local emergency in the City Manager's contracting authority for services and goods to a maximum amount of $250,000 for the duration of the local emergency. Adopted Resolution No. 2020-200 authorizing the City Manager to roll forward the remaining appropriation to Fiscal Year 2021 for the unspent portion of the electric vehicle grant from San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Grant, in the amount of $5,926.31. This item was pulled from the Consent Calendar at the request of Council Member Mounce for discussion. Council Member Mounce stated that she believes the public comments at the previous Council Meeting demonstrated that Lodi is too small to support a navigation center and that pushback from the public that Council would receive if the Council attempted to place a navigation center in Lodi would prohibit any sitting member of the Council from seeking reelection. Council Member Mounce stated that she is not in support of item C-6. Mayor Kuehne stated that based on the current situation with the Governor placing the onus on cities to manage the homeless population within their jurisdictions, he believes it behooves the City to move forward with some plan. Mayor Kuehne explained that the City does not know what the end project will look like at this time, but it is beneficial for the City to try to manage the homeless population and protect the citizens. Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi stated that he supports item C-6 because trying to secure grant funding is a good idea for the City and that at the time the grant is awarded, the Council can determine whether or not to support any associated project. Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi noted that securing grants is the only way the City can fund projects that address homelessness. Council Member Chandler stated that if there were to be a navigation center in Lodi, the City would need to do its due diligence to get public input and feedback from any property owners near the yet-to-be-determined location. Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi made a motion, second by Mayor Kuehne, to adopt Resolution No. 2020-204 authorizing the submission of the 2020 Emergency Solutions Grant - Covid-19 C-4 Adopt Resolution Reaffirming the Ratification of the City Manager’s Proclamation Finding the Continued Existence of a Local Emergency and Rendering Certain Emergency Orders, Including an Increase Related to the Local Emergency in the City Manager’s Contracting Authority for Services and Goods to a Maximum Amount of $250,000 for the Duration of the Local Emergency (CA) C-5 Adopt Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Roll Forward the Remaining Appropriation to Fiscal Year 2021 for the Unspent Portion of the Electric Vehicle Grant from San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Grant ($5,926.31) (FD) C-6 Adopt Resolution Authorizing Submission of the 2020 Emergency Solutions Grant - Covid- 19 (ESG-CV) Application and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into Agreements with the San Joaquin Community Development Department for a Navigation Center Project (Approximately $400,000) (CD) 3 (ESG-CV) application and authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements with the San Joaquin Community Development Department for a Navigation Center Project, in the approximate amount of $400,000. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Noes: Council Member Mounce Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Adopted Resolution No. 2020-201 authorizing submission of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act Grant application and authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements with the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency for a Meal Delivery Program, in the amount of $24,949. Adopted Resolution No. 2020-202 authorizing the City Manager to waive the bid process and execute a Professional Services Agreement with Garland/DBS, Inc., of Cleveland, Ohio, for White Slough Water Pollution Control Facility Electrical Room and Digester Building Roof Replacement Project, in the amount of $140,593, utilizing U.S. Communities Contract No. PW1925, and appropriating funds in the amount of $48,593. Adopted Resolution No. 2020-203 authorizing the City Manager to waive the bid process and purchase library database and subscription services from EBSCO, Inc., of Birmingham, Alabama. Taylor Colapret provided public comment via email (filed) regarding the protests that took place in the City of Lodi on Saturday, September 5th and Saturday, September 12th. Police Chief Sierra Brucia stated that he has been in correspondence with Taylor Colapret since having received Mr. Colapret's email. Chief Brucia stated that the Police Department had been monitoring social media regarding the September 5th protest and were aware of concerns about the possibility of weapons being placed downtown and the Department found no truth to the social media posts. The downtown area was searched daily in the days leading up to the protest by the Police Department and Public Works for any items that posed concerns about safety. C-7 Adopt Resolution Authorizing Submission of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act Grant Application and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into Agreements with the San Joaquin County Human Services Agency for a Meal Delivery Program ($24,949) (CD) C-8 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Waive the Bid Process and Execute Professional Services Agreement with Garland/DBS, Inc., of Cleveland, Ohio, for White Slough Water Pollution Control Facility Electrical Room and Digester Building Roof Replacement Project ($140,593), Utilizing U.S. Communities Contract No. PW1925, and Appropriating Funds ($48,593) (PW) C-9 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Waive Bid Process and Purchase Library Database and Subscription Services from EBSCO, Inc., of Birmingham, Alabama (LIB) D. Comments by the Public on Non-Agenda Items THE TIME ALLOWED PER NON-AGENDA ITEM FOR COMMENTS MADE BY THE PUBLIC IS LIMITED TO FIVE MINUTES. 4 Council Member Mounce stated her displeasure about the statement about the language used at the protests that was released by the City and said that she was under the impression that the City was not going to take sides but rather condemn all bad language that was used. Council Member Mounce said that the citizens of Lodi were justified in being concerned about the threats posted on social media and she believes the citizens were insulted by the City's news release. City Manager Schwabauer stated that he does not believe the citizens were offended by the City's news release. He said that when the public states they are defending the City, the City has a obligation to address the behavior of the public. City Manager Schwabauer reiterated that everyone has an obligation to condemn any language that is roundly rejected by our society if that language is used in defense of the City. Mayor Kuehne agreed and noted his statement addressed anyone in attendance who was using derogatory language. Council Member Mounce stated that she did not hear the language referenced by City Manager Schwabauer on any of the videos of the protest she viewed and does not condone the use of such language. She said that she would not criticize the citizens of Lodi when she heard/read derogatory language used by those organizing the protest. Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi said that he was told the intent of the news release was not to take sides but rather cool heads and remind people to consider the other side. He said he believes the job of the City Council is to bring peace and noted the main concern was to not have the protest evolve into a riot and for people to get hurt, which the protest did not. Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi spoke about the cost incurred by the City as a result of protests. He reiterated he did not agree with taking sides. Council Member Mounce stated that she knows racism exists and that it exists in Lodi. She said that she supports the National League of Cities' Race, Equity, and Leadership (REAL) program, which assists groups such as the City of Lodi in bringing the community together. Council Member Chandler stated that sometimes people's comments regarding events such as the protests are stated as fact when they are actually providing opinion. He said that the statement that Lodi Police Department needed any assistance other than that secured through official channels is an opinion and not a fact. Council Member Chandler said that he believes the police did a fabulous job. City Attorney Magdich responded to questions asked by Mayor Kuehne regarding threats made against the City on social media. Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi asked how people could access the Library. City Manager Schwabauer explained that the Library is open for curbside service, but the building is not open to the public at this time. Council Member Mounce spoke about a citizen she spoke with who has a problem with trash in a alleyway behind their home. She thanked staff for their quick response when she contacted them about the issue. E. Comments by the City Council Members on Non-Agenda Items F. Comments by the City Manager on Non-Agenda Items 5 City Manager Schwabauer, in response to a comment made by Council Member Mounce, stated that staff is researching the Ready-to-Work Program, which is a non-profit that assists the homeless in getting job skills and pays them to complete public works-type projects. Staff will bring their findings to the Council for consideration. Notice thereof having been published according to law, an affidavit of which publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk, Mayor Kuehne called for the public hearing to consider introducing an ordinance approving the Planning Commission's recommendation to repeal and reenact the following Lodi Municipal Code Chapters and Section: Chapter 15.60 - Flood Damage Prevention; Section 17.14.040 - General Performance Standards; and Chapter 17.28 - Overlay Zoning Districts; and Amend the Lodi Zoning Map to Establish the Flood Hazard (-F) -200 Overlay District to Implement the Provisions of Senate Bill (SB) 5 and SB 1278 Related to 200-Year Flood Protection and, combining agenda items G-1 and G-2, also called for the public hearing to consider adopting a resolution approving the Planning Commission's recommendation to amend the General Plan Safety Element to implement the provisions of Senate Bill (SB) 5 and SB 1278 related to 200-year flood protection. Staff requested that the public hearing for both items G-1 and G-2 be continued to October 7, 2020. Mayor Kuehne opened the public hearing for public comment. There being no further public comments, Mayor Kuehne closed the public hearing. Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, to continue public hearing to October 7, 2020 to consider introducing an ordinance approving the Planning Commission’s recommendation to repeal and reenact the following Lodi Municipal Code Chapters and Section: Chapter 15.60 – Flood Damage Prevention; Section 17.14.040 – General Performance Standards; and Chapter 17.28 – Overlay Zoning Districts; and amend the Lodi Zoning Map to establish the Flood Hazard (-F) -200 Overlay District to implement the provisions of Senate Bill (SB) 5 and SB 1278 related to 200-year flood protection and also to continue public hearing to October 7, 2020 to consider adopting a resolution approving the Planning Commission’s recommendation to amend the General Plan Safety Element to implement the provisions of Senate Bill (SB) 5 and SB 1278 related to 200-year flood protection. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). G.Public Hearings G-1 Continue Public Hearing to October 7, 2020 to Consider Introducing an Ordinance Approving Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Repeal and Reenact the Following Lodi Municipal Code Chapters and Section: Chapter 15.60 –Flood Damage Prevention; Section 17.14.040 –General Performance Standards; and Chapter 17.28 –Overlay Zoning Districts; and Amend the Lodi Zoning Map to Establish the Flood Hazard (-F) -200 Overlay District to Implement the Provisions of Senate Bill (SB) 5 and SB 1278 Related to 200-Year Flood Protection (CD) 6 This item was included in the vote on item G-1. Notice thereof having been published according to law, an affidavit of which publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk, Mayor Kuehne called for the public hearing to consider the appeal of JAS Real Properties Development Lodi LLC (JAS) regarding the Planning Commission's approved conditions of approval for the Reynolds Ranch Tentative Tract Map (Bennett). City Manager Schwabauer stated that the appeal had been withdrawn and this item was being pulled from the agenda. He explained that the appeal was an appeal of the conditions tied to the map which will be presented as part of item G-4. City Manager Schwabauer stated that the concerns from the developer have been resolved and that the resolution would be explained as part of item G-4. Prior to his presentation on item G-4, Planner Eric Norris explained that there was action that needed to be taken pertaining to item G-3. Mr. Norris explained that the revised resolution reflected the changes to the conditions reviewed during the presentation on item G-4 by Public Works Director Charles Swimley. Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Kuehne, to approve Resolution No. 2020-205 of the Lodi City Council approving revised conditions of approval for the Reynold Ranch tentative tract map, approving growth management allocations, and approving planned development standards and guidelines for the project. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Noes: Council Member Mounce Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Notice thereof having been published according to law, an affidavit of which publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk, Mayor Kuehne called for the public hearing to consider adopting a resolution approving the Planning Commission's recommendation to authorize 39 Low-Density and 111 Medium-Density 2020 Residential Growth Management Allocations and approve the Planned Development Standards and Guidelines for the Reynolds Ranch Tentative Tract Map (Bennett). G-2 Continue Public Hearing to October 7, 2020 to Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving the Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Amend the General Plan Safety Element to Implement the Provisions of Senate Bill (SB) 5 and SB 1278 Related to 200-Year Flood Protection (CD) G-3 Public Hearing to Consider the Appeal of JAS Real Properties Development Lodi LLC (JAS) Regarding the Planning Commission’s Approved Conditions of Approval for the Reynolds Ranch Tentative Tract Map (Bennett) (CD) G-4 Public Hearing to Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving Planning Commission’s Recommendation to Authorize 39 Low-Density and 111 Medium-Density 2020 Residential Growth Management Allocations and Approve Planned Development Standards and Guidelines for the Reynolds Ranch Tentative Tract Map (Bennett) (CD) 7 Public Works Director Charles Swimley reviewed the items that changed as part of the tentative conditions as a result of the appeal. Mayor Kuehne opened the public hearing for public comment. Marcus Lo Duca provided public comment via Zoom expressing appreciation to staff, specifically Community Development Director John Della Monica and Planner Eric Norris, in addressing the questions and concerns of the appellant developer. Mr. Lo Duca asked that Council approve the plan with the revised conditions. Judith Costa, a resident in an adjoining neighborhood, provided public comment both via Zoom and letter (filed) in opposition to the proposed development. Community Development Director John Della Monica and City Manager Schwabauer addressed concerns expressed by Ms. Costa. Daisy Dickens, a resident in an adjoining neighborhood, provided public comment via Zoom in opposition to the proposed development. City Manager Schwabauer addressed concerns expressed by Ms. Dickens. Community Development Director Della Monica spoke about the sound wall being built along the railroad frontage and a condition of approval includes the developer revisiting the sound issues. Community Development Director Della Monica responded to questions posed by Council Member Mounce regarding sound issues at the proposed development site as compared to a site that Council rejected for the Tiny Homes project. Community Development Director Della Monica addressed a question asked by Council Member Chandler about past plans and the ingress and egress for a mini storage facility that were once included in the project, but are no longer included. Council Member Mounce stated her concerns about the developer possibly not being the company to complete the project and the limited variety in the City of Lodi's housing stock. Council Mounce said that she is a proponent of diversifying the types of housing being developed in Lodi. Community Development Director Della Monica responded to a question asked by Mayor Kuehne regarding the sound wall. There being no further public comments, Mayor Kuehne closed the public hearing. Planner Eric Norris provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding Reynolds Ranch Tentative Tract Development Standards/Guidelines and growth allocations. Specific topics of discussion included proposed project, aerial photo, Tentative Subdivision Map approved by Planning Commission, proposed map, Design Standards and Guidelines, recommended approval, requested growth allocation, available 2020 allocations, remaining 2020 allocations, points system, Growth Allocation summary, environmental analysis, CEQA review, recommendation of Planning Commission, and alternative actions. Mayor Kuehne asked if there were additional public comments following the presentation. Judith Costa, a resident, provided public comment via Zoom in opposition to the proposed development. 8 Community Development Director Della Monica answered questions asked by Mayor Kuehne and Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi regarding vibration from the railroad tracks. Mr. Della Monica reiterated the requirements for indoor and outdoor ambient sound levels and sound mitigation. Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi spoke about the benefit of approving low-density homes rather than leaving the land open to future high-density development. City Manager Schwabauer and Community Development Director Della Monica answered questions asked by Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi and Council Member Mounce regarding the zoning for the property and sound mitigation. Mike Lusk provided public comment, via email, regarding the railroad right-of-way and sound mitigation. Mayor Kuehne closed the public hearing. Community Development Director Della Monica responded to questions asked by Council Member Mounce regarding the ingress and egress into the development. Council Member Chandler stated that as Lodi continues to grow these types of concerns are going to continue and he believes the Community Development staff did their best to compromise. Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Kuehne, to adopt Resolution No. 2020-206 approving the finding that the impacts of the proposed development are fully addressed by the 2006 Final Environmental Impact Report for the Reynolds Ranch Planned Development and the 2008 Addendum to the 2006 Final Environmental Impact Report Project per CEQA Section 15162, and approving the Planning Commission’s recommendation to authorize 39 Low-Density and 111 Medium-Density 2020 Residential Growth Management Allocations and approving the Planned Development Standards and Guidelines for the Reynolds Ranch Tentative Tract Map (Bennett). VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Noes: Council Member Mounce Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Notice thereof having been published according to law, an affidavit of which publication is on file in the office of the City Clerk, Mayor Kuehne called for the public hearing to consider adopting a resolution approving the 2019-20 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). CDBG Program Administrator Patrice Clemons provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding 2019-20 CAPER. Specific topics of discussion included CAPER background information, CDBG program year, original CDBG allocation breakdown, CDBG reallocations, public service expenditures, graffiti cleanup, Community Partnership for Families, Community Human G-5 Public Hearing to Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving the 2019-20 Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CD) 9 Development - Immigration Expansion Program, Second Harvest Food Bank, LOEL Center - Meals on Wheels, Salvation Army - Hope Harbor Shelter operations support, San Joaquin Fair Housing, California Rural Legal Assistance, Capital Improvement Projects, and CAPER approval process. Mayor Kuehne opened the public hearing for public comment. There being no public comments, Mayor Kuehne closed the public hearing. Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi made a motion, second by Council Member Chandler, to adopt Resolution No. 2020-208 approving the 2019-20 Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). Interim Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Anwan Baker provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the status update on Zupo Field. Specific topics of discussion included situational analysis, insurance information, Americans with Disability Act considerations, community support, and project options. Council Member Mounce asked if any donation had been received for the rebuild project. Interim Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Baker stated that there has been interest, but no donations have been received. Mayor Kuehne stated that he is in favor of a public-private partnership to rebuild the grandstands. Council Member Chandler noted that the comments received were numerous and asked if the comments had to be read into the record. City Clerk Cusmir reported that 36 comments were received before 5 p.m., the comments were all in support of rebuilding Zupo field. The comments were posted to the website and provided to Council. The comments were submitted by the following individuals: Heather Richards, Aaron Duda, two anonymous senders, Keith Mettler, Matthew Fuson, Scott Meier, Amanda Oliver, Shannon Lucas, Sue Shandrew, Debbie Skaggs, Ruby Sauseda, Scott Woznick, Zach Edwards, Theresa Delp, Allen Elsholz, Stayci Loya-Barnhart, Bev Herrick, Hobie Shultz, David Cundari, Bryan Meier, Patrick Crow, Nikki Engle, Deborah Gross, David Stolz, Adam Auerbach, Jay Wagner, Ole Wilhite, Kelsi Meier, John and Gina Rivers, Maria Johnson, Kim Ruoff, DJ Kiriu, David Maggetti, and Kurt Anderson. Three email comments were received after 5 p.m. and were read into the record. H. Regular Calendar H-1 Provide Status Update and Presentation and Receive Council Direction on Zupo Field (PRCS) 10 Christina Wang, a resident, provided public comment, via email, in support of rebuilding Zupo Field. Michael Holtz, Resource Specialist, Athletic Director, and Head Football Coach at Tokay High School, provided public comment, via eamail, in support of rebuilding Zupo Field. Sam Fritz, a resident, provided public comment, via email, in support of rebuilding Zupo Field. Public comment provided via email will be filed with the approved minutes of the meeting. There was no additional public comment. Council Member Chandler stated that he would like to see the City move forward with a combination of options A and B. Council Member Mounce agreed and stated that she would like a great design, but would also like to see the project move forward quickly. She said that she looks forward to seeing future generations make memories at Zupo Field. Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, to approve to move forward with a combination of options A and B as presented. VOTE: The above motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, and Mayor Kuehne Noes: None Absent: None ROLL CALL VOTE The City Council held a ROLL CALL vote (all voiced their votes). There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:23 p.m. I. Ordinances –None J.Adjournment ATTEST: Jennifer Cusmir City Clerk 11