HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - March 18, 2020LODI CITY COUNCIL
The City Council Closed Session meeting of March 18, 2020, was called to order by
Mayor Kuehne at 6:49 p.m.
Present: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, and Mayor Kuehne
Absent: Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi
Also Present: City Manager Schwabauer, City Attorney Magdich, and Assistant City Clerk Farris
NOTE: Council Member Mounce participated in the meeting via teleconference.
At 6:49 p.m., Mayor Kuehne adjourned the meeting to a Closed Session to discuss the above
matters. The Closed Session adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
At 7:05, Mayor Kuehne reconvened the City Council meeting and adjourned to a Special Meeting.
At 7:40, Mayor Kuehne reconvened the City Council meeting, and Deputy City Manager disclosed
the following actions.
Item C-2a) was discussion with no reportable action.
The Regular City Council meeting of March 18, 2020, was called to order by Mayor Kuehne
at 7:40 p.m.
Present: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi,
and Mayor Kuehne
Absent: None
Also Present: City Manager Schwabauer, City Attorney Magdich, and Assistant City Clerk Farris
NOTE: Council Member Mounce participated in the meeting via teleconference.
Council Member Mounce made a motion, second by Council Member Chandler, to approve the
following items hereinafter set forth in accordance with the report and recommendation of the City
C-1 Call to Order / Roll Call
C-2 Announcement of Closed Session
a) Conference with Adele Post, Human Resources Manager, and Andrew Keys, Deputy City
Manager (Labor Negotiators), Regarding Council Appointees, and Confidential Employees
Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 (CM)
C-3 Adjourn to Closed Session
C-4 Return to Open Session / Disclosure of Action
A.Call to Order / Roll Call
B.Presentations –None
C. Consent Calendar (Reading; Comments by the Public; Council Action)
The above motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi,
and Mayor Kuehne
Noes: None
Absent: None
Claims were approved in the amount of $6,557,680.48.
The minutes of February 19, 2020 (Regular Meeting), February 25, 2020 (Shirtsleeve Session),
February 25, 2020 (Special Meeting), and March 3, 2020 (Shirtsleeve Session) were approved as
Approved specifications and authorized advertisement for bids for 2020 Downtown Concrete
Cleaning; and adopted Resolution No. 2020-50 authorizing the City Manager to award contract to
lowest responsive bidder in an amount not to exceed $25,000.
Approved plans and specifications and authorized advertisement for bids for Lodi Electric Utility
Facility Renovation Project, and adopted Resolution No. 2020-51 authorizing the City Manager to
execute agreements with Mobile Modular Management Corporation, of Livermore, in the amount
of $181,422, and WMB Architects, Inc., of Stockton, in the amount of $65,000.
Adopted Resolution No. 2020-52 awarding bids for purchase of 47 wood poles from Stella Jones,
of Tacoma, Washington, in the amount of $49,714.90, and 28 wood poles from Oeser, of
Bellingham, Washington, in the amount of $26,789.72.
Adopted Resolution No. 2020-53 authorizing purchase of self-contained breathing apparatus
masks and tanks from Bauer Compressors, of Livermore, and gas masks from Adamson Police
Products, of Livermore, and appropriating funds in the amount of $77,494.80.
C-1 Receive Register of Claims for February 14, 2020 through February 27, 2020 in the
Amount of $6,557,680.48 (FIN)
C-2 Approve Minutes (CLK)
C-3 Approve Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for 2020 Downtown Concrete
Cleaning, Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Award Contract to Lowest
Responsive Bidder (Not to Exceed $25,000) (PW)
C-4 Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for Lodi Electric
Utility Facility Renovation Project, and Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to
Execute Agreements with Mobile Modular Management Corporation, of Livermore
($181,422), and WMB Architects, Inc., of Stockton ($65,000)
C-5 Adopt Resolution Awarding Bids for Purchase of 47 Wood Poles from Stella Jones, of
Tacoma, Washington ($49,714.90) and 28 Wood Poles from Oeser, of Bellingham,
Washington ($26,789.72) (EU)
C-6 Adopt Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Masks and
Tanks from Bauer Compressors, of Livermore, and Gas Masks from Adamson Police
Products, of Livermore, and Appropriate Funds ($77,494.80) (PD)
C-7 Adopt Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Maintenance Connection Annual Licensing,
Support, and Hosting Fees for Asset Management Software from Accruent, LLC, of Austin,
Texas ($25,494) (PW)
Adopted Resolution No. 2020-54 authorizing purchase of maintenance connection annual
licensing, support, and hosting fees for asset management software from Accruent, LLC, of
Austin, Texas, in the amount of $25,494.
Adopted Resolution No. 2020-55 selecting State Route 99/Harney Lane Interchange
Reconstruction Project as project nomination for San Joaquin Council of Governments' One
Voice Trip, with project value of $5,440,000.
Adopted Resolution No. 2020-56 authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 3 to
Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., of Rancho Cordova, for
additional project management services of final phase of assessment grant for hazardous
substances and petroleum brownfields, extending consulting agreement expiration date to
June 30, 2020, and increasing contract by $7,499.71.
Adopted Resolution No. 2020-57 authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to
Professional Services Agreement with United Site Services, Inc., of California, in the amount of
Adopted Resolution No. 2020-58 approving acquisition, implementation and ongoing
maintenance of new Integrated Library System Fee for Fiscal Year 2019/2020, in the amount of
Made the following appointment and directed the City Clerk to post for the following vacancies:
Lodi Improvement Committee
Lynsay Nuss (Term to expire March 1, 2023)
Lodi Improvement Committee
Doug Bojack (Term to expire March 1, 2021)
Site Plan and Architectural Review Committee
C-8 Adopt Resolution Selecting State Route 99/Harney Lane Interchange Reconstruction
Project as Project Nomination for San Joaquin Council of Governments’ One Voice Trip
($5,440,000) (PW)
C-9 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 3 to Professional
Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., of Rancho Cordova, for
Additional Project Management Services of Final Phase of Assessment Grant for
Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Brownfields, Extend Consulting Agreement
Expiration Date to June 30, 2020, and Increase Contract by $7,499.71 (CM)
C-10 Adopt Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 1 to Professional
Services Agreement with United Site Services, Inc., of California ($15,000) (PRCS)
C-11 Adopt Resolution Approving Acquisition, Implementation and Ongoing Maintenance of
New Integrated Library System Fee for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 ($28,945.59) (LIB)
C-12 Appoint Lynsay Nuss to Lodi Improvement Committee; Post for Vacancies on Lodi
Improvement Committee and Site Plan and Architectural Review Committee; and Post for
Expiring Terms on Greater Lodi Area Youth Commission (Adult Advisors and Student
Members), Library Board of Trustees, Lodi Arts Commission, and Planning Commission
John Della Monica (Term to expire January 1, 2022)
Greater Lodi Area Youth Commission (Adult Advisors)
Jean Powell (Term to expire May 31, 2020)
Jennifer Phillips-Lorentzen (Term to expire May 31, 2020)
Greater Lodi Area Youth Commission (Student Members)
Benjamin Gobel (Term to expire May 31, 2020)
Morgan Orlando (Term to expire May 31, 2020)
Jordyn Hummel (Term to expire May 31, 2020)
Brandon Duran (Term to expire May 31, 2020)
Rayleen Salgado (Term to expire May 31, 2020)
Jasmine Shukla (Term to expire May 31, 2021)
Kevin Armknecht (Term to expire May 31, 2021)
Arriana Galvan (Term to expire May 31, 2021)
Library Board of Trustees
David Main (Term to expire June 30, 2020)
Lodi Arts Commission
Catherine Metcalf (Term to expire July 1, 2020)
Planning Commission
Crystal Hicks (Term to expire June 30, 2020)
Received for file the following reports and financial statements submitted by The Pun Group, LLP,
and the Finance Department for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 including Single Audit Report, Agreed-
upon Procedures for Gann Limit, and Agreed-upon Procedures for National Transit Database.
Accepted Monthly Protocol Account Report through February 29, 2020.
Authorized City Clerk to grant Request for Leave to Present Late Claim by D. Michael Spurgeon,
Pursuant to Government Code Section 911.6(a).
Set public hearing for April 15, 2020 to consider adopting resolution approving Draft 2020-21
Annual Action Plan; and set public hearing for May 6, 2020 to consider adopting resolution
approving Final 2020-21 Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
C-13 Receive for File the Following Reports and Financial Statements Submitted by The Pun
Group, LLP and the Finance Department for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Including Single Audit
Report, Agreed-upon Procedures for Gann Limit, and Agreed-upon Procedures for
National Transit Database (CM)
C-14 Accept Monthly Protocol Account Report Through February 29, 2020 (CLK)
C-15 Authorize City Clerk to Grant Request for Leave to Present Late Claim, by D. Michael
Spurgeon, Pursuant to Government Code Section 911.6(a) (CA)
C-16 Set Public Hearing for April 15, 2020 to Consider Adopting Resolution Approving Draft
2020-21 Annual Action Plan; and Set Public Hearing for May 6, 2020 to Consider Adopting
Resolution Approving Final 2020-21 Annual Action Plan for Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) Program (CD)
D.Comments by the Public on Non-Agenda Items THE TIME ALLOWED PER NON-
Ashley Goldlist provided an email comment (filed) before the Council meeting which was provided
to Council Members regarding placing a moratorium on rent increases and price gouging on
water utilities during the coronavirus crisis.
Council Member Mounce stated she participated in an informative conference call with the
White House today and would defer to the City Manager on the reporting of details.
Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi reminded the public about safety measures to prevent the spread
of the coronavirus.
Mayor Kuehne reported on a conference call today with the Governor’s office regarding
homelessness and the coronavirus, and reminded the pubic to stay calm but to take the warnings
and directives about the coronavirus seriously.
City Manager Schwabauer stated that this afternoon the City issued a joint press release with
Lodi Unified School District, Adventist Health/Lodi Memorial Hospital, and the Chamber of
Commerce which was an effort to show that all sectors of the city, including businesses, are
advocating for the pubic to follow the advice of the State and federal government. He further
stated that today Council and staff participated in a conference call with the staff of the President
of the United States, Vice President Mike Pence, and representatives of the various departments
of the administration; the most encouraging was the presentation from the Small Business
Administration regarding the release of funding for small businesses and that grants should be
funded within weeks.
Deputy City Manager Keys provided a presentation regarding amendment of the City Manager's
employment contract. Specific topics of discussion included salary 17% below average and 18%
below median among 16 surveyed cities; compensation increase similar to other employees and
to provide some equity with comparable cities; increases of 7.3% effective January 2020, 1%
effective July 2020, 5% effective January 2021 and January 2022; 1% CalPERS cost-sharing
effective July 2020, January 2021, and January 2022; and cost of $40,000 over three years with
$24,000 from General Fund.
Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, to adopt
Resolution No. 2020-59 approving revisions to the City Manager's employment contract
amending compensation and increasing the employee's contribution of the employer's normal
contribution of CalPERS (cost-sharing).
MINUTES. Public comment may only be made on matters within the Lodi City Council’s
jurisdiction (Government Code Section 54954.3, Lodi City Council Protocol Manual Section
6.3l). The Council cannot take action or deliberate on items that are not on this agenda
unless there is an emergency and the need to take action on that emergency arose after
this agenda was posted (Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(2)). All other items may
only be referred for review to staff or placement on a future Council agenda.
E.Comments by the City Council Members on Non-Agenda Items
F.Comments by the City Manager on Non-Agenda Items
G.Public Hearings –None
H. Regular Calendar
H-1 Adopt Resolution Approving Revisions to the City Manager’s Employment Contract
Amending Compensation and Increasing the Employee’s Contribution of the Employer’s
Normal Contribution of CalPERS (Cost-Sharing)
The above motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi,
and Mayor Kuehne
Noes: None
Absent: None
Deputy City Manager Keys provided a presentation regarding amendment of the City Attorney's
employment contract. Specific topics of discussion included salary 22% below average and 23%
below median per survey of comparable cities; salary increase of 9% effective January 2020, 1%
effective July 2020, 5% effective January 2021 and January 2022; 1% CalPERS cost-sharing
effective July 2020, January 2021, and January 2022; and cost of $40,000 with $13,750 from the
General Fund.
Corey Jones, member of the public, stated that law enforcement and emergency medical services
personnel deserve the same salary adjustments.
Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, to adopt
Resolution No. 2020-60 approving revisions to the City Attorney's employment contract amending
compensation and increasing the employee's contribution of the employer's normal contribution of
CalPERS (cost-sharing).
The above motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi,
and Mayor Kuehne
Noes: None
Absent: None
Deputy City Manager Keys provided a presentation regarding revisions to the salary and increase
to the employee's contribution of the employer's normal contribution of CalPERS (cost-sharing)
for the City Clerk. Specific topics of discussion included salary 15% below average and 16%
below median of surveyed cities; 5% adjustment effective March 23, 2020; 1% CalPERS cost
share effective July 2020, January 2021, and January 2022; and cost of $6,900 with $4,900 out of
General Fund.
Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, to adopt
Resolution No. 2020-61 approving revisions to the salary and increasing the employee's
contribution of the employer's normal contribution of CalPERS (cost-sharing) for the City Clerk.
The above motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi,
and Mayor Kuehne
Noes: None
Absent: None
H-2 Adopt Resolution Approving Revisions to the City Attorney’s Employment Contract
Amending Compensation and Increasing the Employee’s Contribution of the Employer’s
Normal Contribution of CalPERS (Cost-Sharing)
H-3 Adopt Resolution Approving Revisions to the Salary and Increasing the Employee’s
Contribution of the Employer’s Normal Contribution of CalPERS (Cost-Sharing) for the City
H-4 Adopt Resolution Approving Revisions to Compensation and Benefits for Confidential
Deputy City Manager Keys provided a presentation regarding revisions to compensation and
benefits for Confidential General Services employees and revisions to compensation for the
Deputy City Attorney. Specific topics of discussion included compensation and benefits for
Confidential General Services employees being adjusted prior to AFSCME contract approval; 1%
salary adjustment retroactive to January 13 rather than effective in July; provision for medical
insurance premium protection for lower pay scale; salary range for position of Deputy City
Attorney significantly below market; sliding step adjustment with elimination of lowest two steps
and addition of two top steps; and cost of $53,000 with $32,000 from General Fund.
Corey Jones, member of the public, stated that in times of national/county/city emergencies
raises should be put on hold and raises should only be in emergency services.
Council Member Chandler made a motion, second by Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi, to adopt
Resolution No. 2020-62 approving revisions to compensation and benefits for Confidential
General Services employees and revisions to compensation for the position of Deputy City
Attorney for the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2022.
The above motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Member Chandler, Council Member Mounce, Mayor Pro Tempore Nakanishi,
and Mayor Kuehne
Noes: None
Absent: None
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned
at 8:18 p.m.
General Services Employees and Revisions to Compensation for the Position of Deputy
City Attorney for the Period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2022 (CM)
I. Ordinances –None
Pamela M. Farris
Assistant City Clerk